headers in the Ethernet Headers window. Headers window, or by double clicking one of the packet the "Goto…" button or the "Examine" button in the Ethernet user may start the search from any given packet by using the Ethernet data by defining a new search pattern. The The user may start a pattern search from the beginning of pattern is NOT highlighted in the decoded packet. the packet is printed in the Ethernet data window. The When a packet is found that contains the search pattern, menu item. menu item to define a pattern, then use the "Find Again" To repeatedly search for a pattern, use the "Find Pattern" $24, $0D, or $09, respectively. an ASCII-$, a Carriage Return, or a Tab in the data, type dollar sign "$" followed by two hex digits). To specify in either as ASCII characters or as Hex numbers (a The data pattern for which to be searched must be typed any given data pattern in the collected Ethernet data. The "Find Pattern" dialog allows the user to search for